Recladding and specialist facades
Our experience in post Grenfell Projects now exceeds 1,000 residential units with an increasing volume of Commercial Projects.
All of our Projects have a high probability of being processed through the Courts, which regrettably means that we cannot readily provide details of our Client base.
However, working in a litigious environment focuses the experience and skill sets of our business and one which we feel sets us apart from our contemporaries.
Our hands on approach to design, cost planning, procurement and delivery, across a wide variety of facade typologies, allows us to take a balanced and holistic view on how best to deliver projects to the cost and programme constraints they all have.
Our intrusive investigations have recorded and categorised a vast array of construction issues that highlight how far defects can go through the external fabric, how the internal finishes can be effected and how all of this impacts on time and cost. This knowledge base becomes invaluable when deciding how Provisional Sums are quantified and managed.
Our Team includes a specialist Cladding Contractor and Design Practice which means that we can independently check designs and costs, as they’re proposed by the Supply Chain to the Client; whether this be at Tender or Construction Stage.
Key to underpinning all of the above is a robust Cloud based, tablet and mobile device compatible, monitoring and recording system developed with and supported by Procore Limited.